Synchronization of Selective Records to BAHMNI Connect

Hi ,

One of our client wants to sync selective records i.e. either by dates or by patient Id or type of service or program from Server to BAHMNI Connect.

Use Case 1 : Users of Bahmni connect module should be able to download records selectively based on dates or actual records as specified by the user. For example, if i am going into the community to follow up on a client whose ID is ABC, i should be able to select only ABC and not all records in that cluster or community.

Use Case 2 : Bahmni connect user should be Able to limit the number of records being synced and avoid unnecessary disclosure of information. A region could cater to Antenatal and HIV, Only patients related to Antenatal should be synced to Connect device and HIV content should not be made visible. Or either need workflow to control using access rights to restrict data access.

Looking for the Inputs from the community on the better approach to address this requirement.

Regards, Teja