Support for Date type concept based (obs) fields in O3 registration page

Are there any plans to support Date type custom fields on the registration page ? I understand that obs fields with Text, Numeric, and Coded type are supported currently, but we have a requirement to add obs fields with a date type. @alaboso @gkinyua @abdisha

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You’re welcome to create a ticket for it. There’s no reason we couldn’t support it in principle, though there’s probably a fair bit of work to do.


Ticket issued here: [O3-3023] - OpenMRS Issues

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The ticket was created but not yet assigned and my understanding is that the team in Ethiopia need this before going prod in the next few weeks!

What’s the way forward? @ngalo @grace @dkigen

@amanryder - Do we have someone who can take this up in your team? Or @eudson - do we have someone who can work on this?
