Suggestions to model marking an observation as "Abnormal"

The Bahmni is going to prioritize adding obs.interpretation (and we’ll also add obs.status, per @burke’s suggestion). We really want to do this in Platform 2.1.0, which should be released this month.

@jdick can you prioritize testing whether the Online DDL feature in modern MySQL will allow this change to happen smoothly for an AMPATH-sized database?

(I have also asked @teleivo if he might have time to test this, or perhaps @lluismf is interested. But really this is a huge issue for AMPATH, and we need AMPATH to be involved in testing the solution.)

I think a sufficient test is as easy as:

  1. Install OpenMRS on MySQL 5.7
  2. Populate a large obs table (by script or something)
  3. Manually execute “alter table obs add column interpretation varchar(50)” and check whether you’re still able to use the OpenMRS UI while this DDL is running