Sqaud Showcase for November 2023 OpenMRS Community Meeting.

Hello Squad and Team leads, @grace @dkayiwa @paynejd @jamlung @cduffy @pauladams @antoniomacheve @jayasanka @dkigen @raff

We are excited to announce our upcoming online second community meeting is just around the corner.

As always, we have time set aside in the schedule for showcases. For squads, teams, and organizations, these showcases serve as a fantastic opportunity to:

  • Raise awareness of the solutions you are working on - an essential step if you want others to adopt your solution!
  • Ask questions and/or get feedback from BAs, designers, developers, organizational leadership, stakeholders, and users
  • Make a call to action - and get others involved

As part of our commitment to delivering engaging and informative content, we are inviting the different squads to contribute by preparing presentations for this event.

  • OpenMRS Community Meeting

  • Where: Online

  • Date: 28th - 30th November, 2023

  • Time: 1 pm - 3 pm UTC

  • Theme: Whole Wide World of OpenMRS

This year, we’d like to highlight how OpenMRS is used for any type of patient care (not only HIV!) and in a variety of facilities.

Each squad and team will have 10 minutes strictly. In preparation for this, each squad is required to provide a short context and a quick update on the progress made this year and plans for the next year. Presentations can be in the form of slides, videos, or live demonstrations.

Squad and team leads can add their presentations here

Don’t miss out on

Opportunity to showcase your expertise to a targeted audience

Networking opportunities with attendees and fellow presenters.

A chance to contribute to the success of a valuable Community event.

We believe that squad and team expertise will be a valuable addition to this Community Meeting, and the community looks forward to your participation. Thank you for your dedication to making this event a success.

If you have any questions or need assistance with your presentation, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Global Events team and our Community lead @jennifer .