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Bahmni does indeed seem to have an appointment module with the ability to add an appointment directly without going through an appointment block. It even seems to be the default behaviour but I appear to not have all the permissions necessary to check out anything provider or location related.

I searched for docker implementations of bahmni to have a better experience but the documentation for it is rather outdated. Luckily I found this topic: Requirements for Dockerizing Bahmni on the latest CentOS images And was able to acces it via

docker run  --rm --privileged --name bahmni_monolith -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -p 443:443 -p 8069:8069 -d mekomsolutions/bahmni:emr_erp_919ac17
docker exec bahmni_monolith /tmp/start_bahmni.sh

https://localhost/bahmni/home/#/dashboard and https://localhost/openmrs/admin/index.htm

The superadmin user didn’t have the permissions for appointments so I gave myself appointment permissions and was able to play around a bit more.

And yes, at least the method of handling appointments is close to what I am looking for but still expects the user to check-in an appointment and I cannot filter for a skill set to find the best provider. So I’d say one could harvest some stuff for Allow booking an appointment directly without a previously created appointment block

Apart from this I couldn’t find any more features I am looking for. But maybe this helps a lot already :innocent:

I have added this to the ticket and will add my personal magic estimate of complexity and priority.

As for the fix version part my default answer would be 2.9 as it is compatible with the docker image openmrs/openmrs-reference-application-distro:2.9 (or even 2.10 if an official docker image in the pipeline?) :slight_smile: