Single editor for form event and control event

Find the mock for the editor below:

Description for mock:

  • We will have a form conditions button similar to form event.
  • Click on this button will open a new screen (popup) as seen in 2nd image.
  • The new screen will be broken in 3 parts, form event, control event and save event.
  • Under control events we will have all the controls with their id and name, by default only controls which already have form condition will be loaded.
  • For controls which do not already have form condition we will have a multi-select dropdown, we can select all the controls for which we want to enter form condition, after selection we need to click on show.
  • To remove an existing control we have ‘x’ button against each, clicking on it will remove the control and delete any form condition in it.

@angshuonline @sowmika @vmalini @binduak

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