Shifting to using the correct environments for testing

Those are the only two existing machines that should be affected by this, and you have the mappings right.

(That said, I would lean towards creating new machines for this purpose, and freeing up devtest01 and devtest02 to actually be dev test machines.)

Yes, ultimately we don’t want CI using any devtest machines, leaving those for developers to use as needed for experimentation, showcases, etc.

Making the aliases now let’s @cintiadr proceed using int‑ & qa‑ within CI plans/scripts independent of @ryan migrating those to new machines (or creating new devtest machines and renaming the existing ones).

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Oh, I wasn’t really working on it.

But here’s how I think this is the simplest path:

devtest03 and demo should not be touched. Other option, as @darius mentioned, is not rename them at all, just create new ones for int-refapp and qa-refapp Create the following servers:

  • int-platform
  • qa-platform

What to do with:

I was presuming that “create new machines for a list of hostnames” was a quick and straightforward step. Is that not the case?

@michael & @ryan: ↑

How long would it take to create six new “machines” with the following names?

If that can be done quickly (e.g., within 24 hours), then let’s do it. @cintiadr will be unblocked and we can throw devtest01 & devtest02 back in the pool.

If creating six machines will take >24 hours, then please create the following aliases now (so we can move forward until those 6 new machines can be created):

  • int-platform → int01
  • qa-platform → qa02
  • uat-platform → uat01
  • int-refapp → devtest01
  • qa-refapp → devtest02
  • uat-refapp → uat02

Hi all,

I’m done with demo-ing the server, and can hand it over for correct use. For the new machines, which should/could I use for our work on FHIR? :smile:

Please open a help desk case to turn in your server if you are done with it. :slight_smile: Thanks!

You can make a request to the helpdesk for a new machine and they can help assign a server based on the need:

  • Demo/playground: devtest
  • Integrated (automated) testing: int
  • Quality assurance (manual) testing: qa
  • User acceptance testing for a specific relase: uat

If you’re unsure, it’s probably a devtest server.

Ideally/alternatively, since you are aiming to get FHIR into Platform 2.0, get the FHIR module included in the distribution of the Platform (so it would be tested & deployed to int‑platform, qa‑platform, and, when we begin testing for the 2.0 release, uat‑platform.

Have these aliases been created yet? And are the *-platform machines ready for @maany as he pushes Platform 2.0 forward?

Did this happen yet? (And, can we change the alias so that qa-platform points to qa01 instead of qa02?)

For reference, I couldn’t find any help desk cases from @surangak about being done with QA01, or any help desk cases from @burke about creating new instances.

@surangak, please contact helpdesk to free up the server. Thanks!

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I just emailed helpdesk to ask for this.

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@maany, see the above comment for a summary of our goals for naming of the test servers.

Our near-term goal for Platform 2.0 Alpha release should be to get this automatically building on Once that’s working (automatic build & redeploy on each commit) to support automated testing of the platform, then we can aim for getting configured such that we can manually trigger a new deployment on demand for quality assurance (manual) testing.

You should be able to coordinate with helpdesk at to get these environments working. If you have any questions/issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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