Sending Reports by email through module Reporting

Hi i would like to send Reports by emails through Reporting module here: openmrs-module-reporting/ at 4135a30c51ba2d15e21dcd8934a08a9d17c83fc2 · openmrs/openmrs-module-reporting · GitHub .

I checked through this link, but no idea how it works.

I need your help, Thank you…

Do you mind sharing what your configuration looks like for this email report processor?

here is the configuration:

How about the rest of the settings in the link that you shared?

Like i said i dont really understand how it works from the link but here is what i did so far. In the global properties i changed the default parameter to put the appropriate values here below

If you are simply interested in understanding how it works, then you need to look at the code.

when i read the link i try to understand how it works in order to configure properly but it does not work, still dont get the email. Please if you have any idea on how to do it, i will appreciate. Thank you

@dkayiwa the link does not explain clearly on how to configure in order to receive the Report by email, i do not know if i missed some steps.

@ruhanga, @jwnasambu kind help please! I desire to learn on how to do the configuration properly in order to make it work!

Did you actually try to run the report processor? Can you share the server side logs after attempting to run it?

when i run the report processor here is the error message that i get:

Here is the Server Log: WARN - SessionImpl.createCriteria(1832) |2022-08-01T10:36:16,898| HHH90000022: H -

Are you able to reproduce the exact same error on this server?

i cannot create a new report using this server, when i try to use the default report i cannot add report processor, when i click on submit it does not.

How about here?

I get this error when i click on system administration

Still getting the same error

I noticed that you are supplying mail.from as Do you have the correct password for it?

yes i have changed it, i put “test” still getting the same error

How does your current server side log look like?