Seeking Ideas/Use case for Random Hacks of Kindness Bangalore event

Hello everybody

I’m writing this to gather potential ideas from the community for Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) event in Bangalore.

About RHoK

Random Hacks of Kindness is a global hackathon started in 2009 and is conducted twice an year. The problems worked on in this hackathon are socially inclined. We bring together a group of technology experts from industry and academia and then subject matter experts from development sector (NGOs, etc.) pitch problem statements to them. The techies form groups, pick a problem statement and start hacking over the weekend to come up with a proof of concept of the tech solution. Over the past 5 years, the Bangalore Hackathon has worked with various ideas like water, disaster, environment, and corruption.

you can find out more about RoHK here:

Please suggest any potential use cases or ideas that you’d like RHoK attendees to work on. We’d appreciate all input :smiley:

Regards, Vaibhav Agarwal


The can work on an application that help track Ebola symptoms before a patient is diagnosed with Ebola


Thank you @gneza :smile: Is this in addition to the ebola work that we’ve already completed, or are you proposing something different? Would you like to explain your needs further?


Dear Suranga,

I don’t have much details about the current ebola project done, I would appreciate if there is any link providing details about the current project.

I didn’t give much details about the project in the previous email but, ebola could just be one piece of the project but the idea is a mobile disaster management system that could help tract all epidemic diseases and educate populations about them,

Please see below the project proposal details:

Project Description

In developing countries, mobile devices are more affordable, Developing a mobile application to help tackle these issues will be the ideal solution since it does not require a lot of budget, infrastructure and easy to carry everywhere

Mopidemi is a mobile disaster management system, which will educate people about deadly epidemic diseases signs and diagnosis and create a channel of communications between community health workers and nearest health clinics to diagnose the disease, and help prevent to scatter the disease across the area, Through this cycle the ministry of health will be able to trace where there is more incidence of the epidemic based on an analysis/report generated by the system and develop preventive strategies to avoid the epidemic as well as recommend preventive method.

Users will install the App on their mobile devices and access documentation about specific epidemic diseases including causes, symptoms and how to prevent them. The system will have a module for community health workers where they can login and create records for patients especially those affected incase a member of the community presents certain symptoms the community health worker will login to the system create his/ record and follow the steps below:

  1. The systems asks a series of questions where the health worker will answer
  2. After responding to the questions the system will reply “Epidemic “X” suspected please isolate patient”
  3. Then the system will send an alert to the nearest health care facility which will send an ambulance
  4. After more laboratories exams are taken and the epidemic is confirmed
  5. The health worker will update the patient information
  6. If similar cases happen in same location for the same time period the system will carry out mathematical analysis and detect an outbreak and inform the Ministry of Health
  7. The system will also record the recent activities of patients in order to try identifying the causes and source of the outbreak.

Project Objectives

  • Educating the community about epidemics
  • Encouraging sharing of information by the means of internet and emerging technologies
  • Reduce the chances of epidemic outbreaks and their effect on communities using the Mopidemi Mobile app
  • Encourage the adoption of ICT and using it to make the world a better place


  • Every one capable of using a mobile device in a community with a moderate internet coverage
  • Community health workers
  • Health care facilities
  • Ministry of Health
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Hi @gneza,

Thanks for sharing ideas with us :grinning: , the Disaster management system idea is really impressive.

I’ll work on identifying work units/functionality that is needed and can be achieved over the weekend.

We’d love to know few more ideas!

Regards, Vaibhav Agarwal

Thanks Vaibhav Agarwal,

Looking forward to stay updated on which project were picked up from many others that will be shared.

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Hi @vaibhavhp … any updates on this? I want to put you and the team in contact with the RHoK people as soon as you’re ready with some ideas. :+1:

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Hi @michael,

Apologies, I haven’t made any progress on this so far.I’ll come up with few ideas ASAP!

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Hi, here are some raw ideas. I feel we could exploit the the Android and iOS platforms as follows

Idea 1 : Design a separate android app for patients that syncs prescription data for the patient from OpenMRS and reminds and maintains logs of the medicines/advised activities or treatments.

Idea 2:. Develop an IoT based wearable (like a wrist band or an app for Apple watch or Android wear) to sync information like pulse rate, blood pressure etc with the OpenMRS server. This could be used to automatically triage the patients based on characteristics recorded with the device. We could also also alert the doctor/nurse via notifications if anyone suddenly becomes critical. It could help during natural calamities like the Nepal Earthquake. This idea is inspired for the SSN (Survivable Social Network) project being develped at Carnegie Mellon University under Professor Bob Ianucci.


Hello Everybody,

Thanks for writing in here and sharing your ideas with us!

I’ve worked on a little to find out work units/functionality which are needed and achievable for all the ideas shared above.

Anyone, Please feel free to refine/correct me If I went wrong somewhere understanding the needs/requirements. Especially the Team : @emerson @aniketha @ujjwal92 @vineetv2821993 @sandeepraparthi @tharunya @sharonvarghese @maany

If you have any more Ideas please share it with us :smiley:

Idea 1: Mopidemi - Mobile disaster management system

Pitched by : @gneza

Abstract : Mopidemi a mobile application, will educate people about deadly epidemic diseases signs and diagnosis and create a channel of communications between community health workers and nearest health clinics to diagnose the disease, and help prevent to scatter the disease across the area, Through this cycle the ministry of health will be able to trace where there is more incidence of the epidemic based on an analysis/report generated by the system and develop preventive strategies to avoid the epidemic as well as recommend preventive method.

Implementation Plan:

This application will have two modules

  1. User Module : - Wherein the users can access documentation about specific epidemic diseases including causes, symptoms and how to prevent them.
  2. Community Health worker’s Module : - Wherein Health workers can login and create/update records of patients.

Functionality/Features :

  1. The Application will educate users about specific epidemic diseases, causes, symptoms, preventions.

  2. The application must be able to ask series question to health workers and find out, if a patient is suspected with “epidemic x” and create a patient record.

  3. The application must send an alert to the nearest health care facility which will send an ambulance.

  4. If the patient is confirmed with epidemic after laboratory exams, The application must enable health workers to update patient information.

Extra Credit

  1. If similar epidemic cases happen in the same location for the same time period the application will carry out mathematical analysis and detect an outbreak and inform the Ministry of Health.

I’ve added this above feature in ‘Extra Credit’ section because I felt this cannot be achieved over a weekend. Please correct me, If I’m wrong here.

@gneza One question which I wanted to ask is, How would we establish communication between community health worker and patients/users, I was not clear on this?

@gneza I’d hope that I’ve identified needed and achievable features/ work units correctly, If not please let me know

Idea 2: MobiPrescriptionProvider

Pitched by : @maany

Abstract : Design a separate android app for patients that syncs prescription data for the patient from OpenMRS and reminds and maintains logs of the medicines/advised activities or treatments.

Functionality/Features :

  1. Application must sync prescription data for patient from OpenMRS

  2. Application must remind patient about medicines/advices

Idea 3: MobiHealthMeter

Pitched by : @maany

Abstract : Develop an IoT based wearable (like a wrist band or an app for Apple watch or Android wear) to sync information like pulse rate, blood pressure etc with the OpenMRS server. This could be used to automatically triage the patients based on characteristics recorded with the device. We could also alert the doctor/nurse via notifications, if anyone suddenly becomes critical.It could help during natural calamities like the Nepal Earthquake. This idea is inspired for the SSN (Survivable Social Network) project being develped at Carnegie Mellon University under Professor Bob Ianucci.

Functionality/Features :

  1. Application must sync pulse rate, blood pressure e.t.c

  2. Application must send alert notifications to Doctor/Nurse/Relatives ,If the person’s health becomes critical.

@maany Any more thoughts on both the Ideas and sorry for choosing a bad names “MobiPrescriptionProvider” & “MobiHealthMeter” we’ll change it later :smiley:

I don’t know If it is necessary but I’ve created a poll below to vote on ideas.

  • Mopidemi
  • MobiPrescriptionProvide
  • MobiHealthMeter

0 voters

cc’ed : @michael , @surangak

Thanks & Regards Vaibhav Agarwal


Thanks a lot for sharing your ideas @maany :smile:

Hello Everyone I have something to share As RHOK is more about providing solutions for disaster management how about coding an application that provides the users with the latest information regarding the floodgates in their area,their condition and the chances of upcoming floods in specific locations, by sending a push notification onto their mobile.

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@vaibhavhp I’m glad I can help :slight_smile: I will do some research and put in more details about the ideas by the weekend, if that won’t be too late.

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Sure :smile:

@sandeepraparthi Thanks for sharing your idea, Any more thoughts on it ?

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@vaibhavhp Will Work over it and let you know by end of week end ? :slight_smile: Final Sem exams going on currently

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@sandeepraparthi no problem take your time :smile:

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