Search Diagnosis by Code

Is it possible to search a Diagnose in Clinical Module (Diagnosis Tab) by code, if yes how can I do that?

Below is an example:

If I add a Synonym for the concept (ABC.1), and search in Diagnosis it works fine, but is there any chance that I can do this through code from mapping(P84)?

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There is a bug in Bahmni which you can correct and afterwards this feature will be possible:

Change the property “Concept Sources For Diagnosis Search” in OpenMRS Admin Console => Settings => emrapi from ICD-10-WHO to ICD 10 - WHO then click Save

Now you can search Diagnosis by their Code This is all!


Though it has been already resolved I thought of mentioning Bahmni Wiki link for the same.

Yes, just there says “let’s assume” but in fact this in my opinion should have been the default setting.

Here is how I solved it:

"UPDATE concept_reference_source SET name='ICD-10-WHO' WHERE uuid='dbe4f23e-4e14-11e4-8a57-0800271c1b75'"

The reason why I did this is that in database name='ICD 10 - WHO’ so they mismatch.