SDK - dependency - 'external jar' - (reason: itext jar)

Hello, maybe hello @raff please help.

I managed to write a module using the SDK (similar to the allergy-gui). now I want to create a pdf file (and inserting database data)

searching in the web, i found itext, that’s a jar.

what I want, is, to do sort of “import.itext.chapter” … in my controller-class.

compiling and running it with: mvn clean install openmrs-sdk:run

may I ask:

  • how can i include this ‘external jar’ into the module-class-structure,
  • and where/how do I have to change the maven pom.xml?

thank you

i do not manage to include it into the project.

meaning: I am adding to my pom.xml

dependency groupId>com.itextpdf</groupId artifactId>itextpdf</artifactId version>5.3.4</version /dependency

(of course with brackets)

and I import in an ServiceImpl … java class the Document, and I use it. And it’s not found.

If that is a simple question, please give me a link. However, this procedure works with other java projects. So please help with the SDK @raff thank you.

Hello, i found it, so probably that was an easy question …

my thinking was: the pom.xml at the folder [modulename] (= root), and other poms would ‘heritate’ of it. seemingly not.

adding the dependency to the pom.xml at the folder [modulename]/api/ (where the class is located that used the reference) - solved it.

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