SDK build failure

HELLO FRIENDS, I have setting up sdk on my ubuntu machine but the builds are still failing as summarized in the link above, any help

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Can you share the log of what you get when you run this command again?

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okay sir lemme do it ASAP

@dkayiwa , here is the output

I think it is some proxy settings, and maybe nmprc file somewhere. I am still looking for the solution too, but in case someone faced it too, I kindly seek for help

@dkayiwa , @kdaud , @samuel34 i need help on this devs, I thought it was my network, but when i changed the network, I got the same results. Meaning i ether have to configure my npmrc file somewhere or proxy server somewhere. Any help as I still continue to come up with the solution ??

This still very much is a network timeout issue and those are fairly hard to solve. That said, you you look above the “BUILD FAILURE” line, you’ll see a reference to a log file which should have more detailed information.

@wikumc Remind me: wasn’t there some switch that can be used to enable a local caching of files? Do we know if that works across successive re-attempts so that, e.g., if some dependencies are being correctly downloaded, @javamessiah may be able to get things working just by successive attempts?

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@wikumc is not feeling well. But the option he implemented is -DreuseNodeCache=true

As for whether it works for successive re-attempts, i would need to check that out.


thanks @ibacher

thanks @dkayiwa .

lemme try switching to another OS on another machine .

hello @dkayiwa , any advice concerning the build failure.

any reference on this solution such that I try it out

Did you try the above parameter?

if this is the way it was supposed to be used mvn openmrs-sdk:setup -DreuseNodeCache=true then i did

still getting the same error

@javamessiah try clearing the cache before. Then try again to see if error persists.

i have done it using this command sudo apt-get clean, and the error persists

Also try checking to see if your port 8080 has no running service? If yes kill the service and build again.

@javamessiah to clear cache for the node project try using npm cache clean --force