Sample Project Management for OpenMRS


I believe OpenMRS quite sufficient to support IT for a clinic, to record patient, doctor, nurse and medicine. The main objective of my implementation are :

  • Record patient transaction
  • Doctor suggestion for the patient
  • Medicine is being use by the patient
  • Lab test for the patient
  • Inventory for the medicine

I would like to understand whether above objective can be support by OpenMRS ?

Is there any reference how to manage OpenMRS project ?



Hello @pradana,

Sure enough, OpenMRS supports the mentioned objectives. This reference link may be of help to get the bigger picture of the capabilities of OpenMRS.

@pradana ,

OpenMRS have alot of useful modules which can add additional features for your requirements . Please look into the following link or you can search OpenMRS module on google for more informations.

Can you please your requirement.Are you looking for a small or large hospital?


This for small hospital in Indonesia. In Indonesia we call it puskesmas. In one district we have around 18 puskesmas run by the government. We like to provide this system to them to help them running it. I would like to have a sample of project implement openmrs.



This is for small hospital.



@pradana is this good for you ?

Big or small health facility, it can suit your needs … Bhamni could be great for your setting ,Refapp 2.8 not so much customised very generic ,it’s generic. UgandaEMR is good but majory for Uganda ,you may fork and customise.


Thanks for your reference. I am looking for a sample of proposal implementation, what step required to implement openmrs. Its for small clinic but has several place.

