REVIEW: 2016-05-23 Leadership Team Documents

To help better support the OpenMRS Leadership Team weekly notices of documents that are out for review and feedback will be sent out. Please respond to this thread if there is anything else that might help or if there are additional docs that people believe need to be removed.

Week of 5/23 OpenMRS Metric Framework OpenMRS Relationship and Partnership Strategy and Models Open Partnership and Web Endorsement

Related Talk Topics Compostion of New OpenMRS Leadership Team - tagged as Private Leadership 
OpenMRS Leadership Responsibilities
 - tagged as Private Leadership

What is the final disposition of these documents? They haven’t been touched since March or April.

In other words, what are we going to do with them?

It’s nice to have documents, but it seems silly to keep looking at them every week if we’re not going to use them to improve our community in some way.

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we do need people to look at these; if they don’t, we then move them along through some validation and endorsement process

@terry please let me know if you think any of these no longer need reviewed or if they should be brought back as topics to on a future LT call.

current status of these documents:

  1. partnerships is being reviewed and edited by by Amanda for re-presentation a. this includes the open partnership and web endorsement process so that can’t be endorsed until we endorse partnerships

  2. we were supposed to review metrics today but the call will be rescheduled

  3. measuring impact–part of the metrics discussion and some potential data is discussed within that document

they ALL need to be reviewed and endorsed and/ or edited so that we can act upon them. They need to be on a LT agenda terry

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As an FYI here is how long things have been under review

  • Metric Framework - 3/25
  • OpenMRS Partnership Model - 3/25
  • Open Partnership and Web Endorsement - 3/25
  • Composition of the New OMRS LT - 4/4
  • Leadership Responsibilities - 5/2

I will be adding them all to the agenda this week for updates/discussions.

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metrics plan is endorsed during last weeks LT call. This does not need to be included on this list. Thanks. Terry

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