Requesting a new repository for OAuth2 module

Hi, I am mentoring OAuth2 module project in this year’s Google Summer of Code. I am requesting a new repository under the name “openmrs-module-oauth2”. A lot of work has already been done on this module by me, @maany and @harsha89 over the past years. The latest code can be found here

This module secures FHIR APIs using OAuth2 protocol and is also essential in running SMART on FHIR applications with OpenMRS. So, essentially we want to move from the “prototype” repo to an official repo so that this year’s student @pkatopenmrs can work on it and the rest of the community too.

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


Here it is:

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Awesome :smile: Can you please merge the pull request I’ve made?

The fact that you are mentoring means you should at least be at /dev/3 :smile:

I have just sent you a GitHub invitation. On accepting it, you will be a /dev/3 and hence have write access to all module repositories. That way you will be in position to merge pull requests to this module, as you mentor the student.

Thanks for the great work! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the invitation :smile: Looking forward to more service to this awesome community :blush:

That’s awesome! Thanks @mavrk and @dkayiwa for the move :slight_smile: