[Request] Welcome Setup page for Newbies (and Windows Server setup)

@dr.sivaram.mecheri – Totally agree on all your inputs / thoughts :slight_smile: Appreciate it!

Glad to hear how you (and staff members) found Bahmni simple and ready-to-go!


Please note, the Bahmni team is in process of migrating to Odoo-v16 (the version in docker until now was Odoo-v10, which is very old and not supported by Odoo). I would recommend to move into production / real world use with Odoo-v16 (since it will be available in next 1-1.5 month with Bahmni). The Odoo-v16 is functionally not so different that Odoo-v10, but the UI is a bit better and slightly different. If you setup all your master data in Odoo-v10, then you will resist the idea of upgrading to Odoo-v16 again.

To see a demo of Odoo-v16 and Bahmni, please see this page: https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/3293478913/Upgrade+Bahmni+to+Odoo+v16


I agree with inputs on huge number of boxes. That is the original OpenELIS software design that we packaged into Bahmni (just like how we package Odoo). We do agree that OpenELIS can be much better / easier in its UX, but we also got feedback that it is simple and easy for people to understand, so we haven’t prioritised it. In long term, we are going to move away from this version of OpenELIS, most likely instead to BikaLIMS (we wanted to do that in 2023, but never got to it, and now for 2024, it depends on budgets). See this: Introducing Bahmni HL7 LIS Integration (with Senaite LIMS) - #22 by akanter

I think it would be a good idea to have a separate Thread on OpenMRS Talk for each feedback area and topic. Thanks again!

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