Request a new repo for Hibernate 4 compatibility module

I would like to request a new repository “openmrs-module-hibernatecompatibility”, for a module that will allow compatibility between Hibernate 3 and 4 as discussed at SessionFactory issue after Hibernate 4 upgrade.

If it’s possible, please pull the contents for the repository from

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Created and contents pulled in from the original repository. Thanks @kristopherschmidt for the great work! :slight_smile:

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Thanks. A couple of questions for you:

  1. how can this module get into Bamboo CI? (and subsequently into the OpenMRS maven repo – locally I had to install it to my .m2)
  2. Can somone please review, this is my first module
  3. since many modules are going to be referencing this module, does it make sense to do a 1.0 release, or is it alright if other modules reference this module as 1.0-SNAPSHOT?
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Another few questions:

  1. should this module have a JIRA project?
  2. any chance I can have commit rights to the module repo, even temporarily? I get a 403 trying to commit. I don’t mind doing PR’s (I have 1 already: but I don’t have a JIRA project to request code review + merge :smile:

I’m happy to make a build for the new module. Until you have a released version, it’s alright to other modules rely on a SNAPSHOT version.

Do you need access to Bamboo? To run new builds, or investigate the build configuration? If so, helpdesk■■■■■■■■■■■■ For the new JIRA project, same thing.

For commit rights, send an email to code■■■■■■■■■■■■

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It’s red because of

(I cannot merge my own PRs I suppose… Or I simply don’t have access)

Let me know if it’s a module which will be part of the reference application, the release part would do one more thing I need to configure.