Reporting Tables Preventing Platform Upgrade

Me too! The only ideas I have are:

  • The original MySQL version used didn’t support named constraints
  • The database was imported/exported using a flag or tool that ignored constraint names

The first option seems unlikely, but I’ll try to get more information from the implementation site.

Having a look at the first version of our database, it seems that the constraints are correctly named, so I’m a little stumped. I guess having incorrectly named constraints will have other effects, since the liquibase changesets all refer to the constraints by name.

Any ideas on how to recover from something like this @mseaton?

EDIT: @mseaton, if you upgrade the version in your new environment, does the FK that references serialized_object by uuid ever get updated to reference it by serialzed_object_id instead? If you try to upgrade to platform v1.11.6, do you see the same error that we do?