Reporting Pages designs

Hi OpenMRS!

We, the Connect for Life team, are working on moving Report pages to the new 3.x front end and we would like to make in a way that will benefit the community too. The first step we planned is to move these pages from Reporting UI 2.x:

  1. Reports Overview - where you see lists of available reports split into sections (configurable)
  2. Report Page - where you can see, for specific report, queued or running report executions, results ready for download, and configure and start a report execution.

We’ve already prepared some designs and are eager to hear some feedback. The designs are here: SolDevelo: Reporting Pages | Zeplin Scene ( Zeplin - Login )

The report overview page has configurable tabs where implementer can arrange reports according to type/theme/anything. Each record of an overview page can be expanded to show a list of report results ready for download. An action on each record opens side panel where user can check if specific report is being executed and, regardless if it is running or not, configure and start a new report execution.

The related tasks:


Thanks a bunch @pwargulak!

I will look closely at this since we need this feature for Ozone FOSS data extracts, cc @enochb. So this is really great news :+1:

In the meantime, @pauladams could you have a look? I also need to run you through our use case in Ozone FOSS. Hopefully next week?


Hi @pwargulak This is exciting to my ears, the UgandaEMR dev team is so much interested in this too. Please feel free to copy me in any related discussions on behalf of UgandaEMR.



Hi @pwargulak

I’m just seeing these mock-ups for the first time now and have a few pointers and questions, that I hope will be helpful. Hope that’s ok :slight_smile:

  • I wonder what the description field would actually show? Would the user write their own custom description of what the report is there? I wonder if it’s worth exploring displaying reports in formats other than tables like with a preview of page 1 instead of in a table? How should the reports be organised / sorted? By date? By type? By department?
  • It’s hard to know where exactly I am when looking at those screens. Am I in a detail page called ‘Reporting overview’? Where would I land if I hit the back button? Take a look at this section of the design documentation about the page headers
  • It looks like there’s 48px tables being used here, these are normally only used on tablet, otherwise, we use the 32px tables on desktop
  • I think the table-within-a-table thing is a bit odd, I wonder if there’s a better way to lay out this information, specifically the ‘available for download’ table within the reports table
  • On desktop, it can be nice to help declutter the UI to just have the action icons on each row appearing on-hover. I wonder also if there’s a way to avoid having an unlabelled, non-standard icon, as it’s not obvious what that icon button does…

cc @mksd

I want to also say that the point of OpenMRS-3 is not to directly translate everything from 2.x UI into 3.x UI. Instead we should be starting with figuring out what reporting tools and features are needed by various user types and building them from the ground up with 3.x design patterns.

Of course, we’ll see many of the 2.x features there, but I want to encourage us to start with understanding what users need in terms of reporting, rather than starting with all the features that existed in 2.x!

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Hi @cduffy

Thanks for the feedback, it’s very helpful. We’ll look into it.

It was kind of our goal, to pick some feature (UI) from 2.x and migrate them, with minimal effort, to 3.x. A little bit like an exercise.

What do you mean by ‘non-standard icon’? I took them from IBM Carbon Icons.

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Glad it’s helpful.

By non-standard icon, I mean the kind of icon you can show to a user without a label and people will understand it, of which I’d say there’s at the most 3 or 4 in the world: overflow menu (3 dots), trashcan (delete), pencil (edit), and that’s about it! This calendar with a play icon is not clear what it does…

I was thinking we would meet together in an OpenMRS 3.0: Product & Design Sessions all together so we can discuss how to move forward + get feedback from the other members of the community. I was thinking the one of 5 December ? Does that work for everybody? @cduffy @dbaluku


@awillems @mksd

Thanks @cstey - I’ll do my best to attend so that I can weigh in a little bit. Waiting for the others to confirm.

Thanks @pwargulak . This will benefit us as well, Hope to attend this design call and looking forward to support cc @fmusinguzi

I can attend this discussion on the 5th.

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Hallo all, we rescheduled the meeting to the 12/12 at the same time 4CET in the Product Designer call. It seems like it clashed with GDHF conference, so not many people were in the call.


Hi @pwargulak how do I get access to view the designs? It appears I need an invitation.

Hi @reagan please try this link: SolDevelo: Reporting Pages | Zeplin Scene

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Hi everyone, on behalf of our designer Beata Zwidryn I am sending below a link to the updated mockups in figma: