Removing forms from patient consultation?

Is there a way to remove/retire a form (or better the data from a form) from the patient consultation block, e.g. when I’ve accidentally added a Gynaecology form to a male patient?

Just to understand, are you adding some data by mistake in Gynecology form to a male patient? In this case, you can go and remove the data from the fields in the form, which will void the observations on the backend.

Yes, works.

I thought I’ve tried this and the empty form stayed on the list. But maybe I didn’t save or didn’t pay enough attention. Thx.

@vinkesh how would you remove forms that come already installed in Bahmni. I want to implement Bahmni in a Dental clinic and I do not want dentists seeing unrelated forms. It will be a bit annoying. Kindly assist. Thanks


For removing unwanted observation forms, you need to follow below steps: 1.Login to Openmrs 2.Click on “Dictionary” and then search for concept “All Observation Templates” 3.After that click on edit option and then remove unwanted forms and click on save.

Thanks @sonarvanashri that worked very perfectly form me. I have one more question if you do not mind; how can I create a form that has fields with similar formats as ‘Chief Complaint’ in the “History and Examination” Form . In history and examination form, there is an accept button, and a button for duration all in one row! . In the form builder, it becomes difficult because if I create another ‘obs’, it goes below automatically

@rkaringuri I have also tried creating observation form through form builder using fields of similar formats as “Chief Complaint” but the fields are displayed one below the other in form

Thanks @sonarvanashri