Removing bed management icon in clinical dashboard

Since I can’t find the proper JSON, can someone please let me know where I can remove this icon (marked with red)?


@angshuonline @gsluthra

Anyways this is how I solved it:

I removed:

            <a show-if-privilege="{{adtNavigationConfig.privilege}}" ng-click="displayConfirmationDialog($event)" class="back-btn" ng-href="{{adtNavigationURL(visitHistory.activeVisit.uuid)}}" title="{{adtNavigationConfig.title}}">
                <i class="fa fa-bed fa-white"></i>

in: /var/www/bahmniapps/clinical/dashboard/views/clinicalDashboardHeader.html

A better way to disable that will be by introducing privileges, for which there is a PR already. So in 0.94, this would be resolved without change of code