Hello @bharatak and Bahmni team,
In regards to integrate the recent changes to platform from Bahmni as a maintenance release (2.0.1), would Bahmni be interested in managing the release?
Hello @bharatak and Bahmni team,
In regards to integrate the recent changes to platform from Bahmni as a maintenance release (2.0.1), would Bahmni be interested in managing the release?
Hi @maurya, Sure, we from Bahmni team can manage the release.
Regards, Bharat
Great! @bharatak do you have an estimate of when you would like to do the release? (To include it in technical roadmap)
We should be ready by last week of October 2016. We are fixing some issues now and if we are fine after our upgrade and compatibility with Bahmni
@bharatak do you still think you will be ready by the last week of October 2016?
hi @dkayiwa, We are still planning to be ready by 31st October. So far, some blockers from openmrs 2 are fixed. We will still target to 2.0.1 release by end of month. We are facing some issues on other omods (emrapi especially) and doing some regression on Bahmni. We are hoping it will not have an impact on core. Will keep you posted.
Thanks @bharatak for the update and great work you are doing!
@bharatak we are planning to release the openmrs reference application depending on platform 2.0.1 Did things go well to such an extent that you will be able to release platform 2.0.1 soonish? Or do you have an estimate as to when you think this will happen?
@dkayiwa We have slowed down a bit due to some issues and people on leave. We are not anticipating any major issues in openmrs core. But we are planning to take another 2 weeks at a max to stabilize things from our side if everyone is fine with it. What do we all think? Is that fine?
@bharatak we are planning to release the reference application in less than two weeks, and we are thinking of basing it on platform 2.0.1 Do you think the current commits in the platform 2.0.x branch, which the bahmni team has committed, are in a stable state which can be released as is? If yes, then you will be releasing platform 2.0.2 which will have all the remaining changes that you are finishing up.
Hi @dkayiwa The 2.0.1 is in stable state and we are not anticipating any major changes on the core side. It can be released as-is. We can work on 2.0.2 if there are any issues. Will you be releasing 2.0.1?
Thanks @bharatak for the response!
If you are not able to release it by this week, then i will do it.
@dkayiwa We have added few commits in 2.0.x branch and waiting for this issue to get done as well. Once it is done, can 2.0.2 be released?
Please let us know if anything has to be done from our side.
@preethi_s yes you are free to release platform 2.0.2 as soon as you are done!
Thanks again for the bugs you have fixed and lots of other things you have committed to the platform. Please keep up this awesome spirit!
@dkayiwa Thanks
@preethi_s, since TRUNK-4979 is now closed as won’t-fix, are you all ready to go ahead and release 2.0.2?
@darius Nothing is pending from our side, so yes we can go ahead and release it.
@preethi_s, cool, let us know when you expect to do this. (We must have a target date, driven by doing this before a Bahmni release deadline, right?)
@darius We are planning to release openmrs 2.0.2 today, since we are planning to release Bahmni by end of this week. Hope that is okay with everyone as discussed with @dkayiwa.
Yes, it’s okay with everyone!
(Have you read the OpenMRS wiki page that describes the release process for a maintenance release?)
-Darius (by phone)