The Addon manager OWA has been on version 1.00beta2,
We would like to release version 1.00.
Kindly add me to the openmrs organization on bintray
cc @dkayiwa
The Addon manager OWA has been on version 1.00beta2,
We would like to release version 1.00.
Kindly add me to the openmrs organization on bintray
cc @dkayiwa
What is your bintray username?
Actually, the Bintray UI should give you a button to Join This Organization. Can you click that?
@darius waweru is my bintray username
@darius after clicking the join organization a request is sent that is pending approval, and until the appoval is done i cannot be able to upload the package on the organization repo…
I didn’t get any notification of this, and I didn’t see it in the UI, so I went ahead and invited you manually.
thanks a lot i appreciate.
@darius since i had uploaded the package on a private repository do you mind adding the release to the public owa?? The link to the package is: Now that i am already part of the organisation on bintray, you giving a go ahead would also work as i can add the package.
cc @dkayiwa
I moved this topic to Repo Management.
I am trying to follow the instructions from our wiki page Release Open Web Application. They say:
Anyone, who is a member of the OpenMRS org on Bintray can go to the provided Bintray URL, click “Link”, type in “/openmrs/owa” for the repo name and click the “tick” icon next to it to include the OWA.
However that doesn’t seem to work for me:
@raff do you know what I’m doing wrong?
@darius i think you might just need to remove the slashes and type OWA and the search should automatically suggest ‘openmrs/owa’ Something like this
Hello, @darius I moved forward and added the application to the OWA repository under version release 1.00 which you had created in the openmrs-addonmanager package. Thank you for your assistance.
cc @dkayiwa
@waweru does this mean that you no longer want me to link your own version?
yes @darius. given that there was an existing repository in openmrs/owa with the same name, linking was causing similar repositories which were named differently, something that i just solved by adding a new version to the already existing addon-manager-owa repository.