Relationships in Reference Application

Continuing the discussion from Creation guardian field for patient:

Just wanted to know, are there any tickets pointing to missing functionality and what the road map is for this feature.

Some questions:

  1. Adding a relationship at patient registration
  2. Improving the flow of the relationships html form entry tag
  3. Support for encounters where two people in a relationship - say Post-Natal care visit with a mother and child, currently two separate visits and separate encounters have to be created (is there any other way)

@darius @mogoodrich

@ssmusoke I’ve implemented person relationship addition feature in patient registration page.

Now I’m looking forward to implement ‘Parent-Child’ or ‘Guardian-Child’ dependency among two persons to address ‘Parental-Care’ functionality.

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Excellent @themoonraker13 please can you share a link to your repo so that I can support as possible

Hi guys,

Just looking at this relationship functionality now and have a question…

Has the functionality been built yet to edit existing relationships? It seems the widget ( just displays the people the patient has a relationship with.

I may be missing something.

Thanks, Dave

The widget you linked is read-only indeed. There’s the Relatives section on the registration form (relatives can be added for new patients), but surprisingly it is not displayed when you edit patient’s info from a header on the patient dashboard.

This should probably be ticketed @ddesimone

@ssmusoke thoughts on this? Do you guys currently using the relationship functionality? Are we missing editing functionality that exists somewhere?

Thanks! Mark

@mogoodrich We are not running relationships at this time, however the WIKI says using the changeExistingRelationship attribute for HTML Form Entry - Relationship tag may work.

Interesting, thanks @ssmusoke!