Registration Summary Page Broken -- Reference App

Hello all,

I just wanted to escalate this issue–the Registration Summary page of the Registration App has been broken since last Friday due to the changes made to allow the selection of different Visit Types when starting a visit.

You can see my comments and thoughts on the issue here:

The PIH smoke tests have been failing since last Friday because the because the registration summary page stack traces. Unfortunately, the general Ref App smoke tests have not been failing simply because they don’t hit this page, and it looks like there is no way to navigate to the registration summary page via the default demo step-up… however, if you type in the url of the registration summary page directly you can see this issue on the OpenMRS Ref App test server:

I also believe this may be affecting other things as well.

Can we please prioritize having this fixed by the end of week? We shouldn’t be allowing a blocker bug to go unresolved for that long. It wasn’t immediately obvious to me where the issue was after looking at it a bit, but I think it should be a easy fix once someone identifies where the missing include is.

Thanks! Mark

@dkayiwa @insiderish @ssmusoke @burke

Thanks @mogoodrich for raising this up. If it does not get fixed by tomorrow, then i will just revert it and wait for when the pull request author will have looked into it to merge again.

Thanks @dkayiwa, sorry for being a pest about this… :slight_smile:

Take care, Mark

@mogoodrich i fully understand. And it is now getting to almost a week without it being fixed. :slight_smile:

@mogoodrich not a pest just persistent

True, thanks @ssmusoke… though I want @dkayiwa to know how much I appreciate all the work his does to triage and review all the pull requests/questions/etc that come in…


@dkayiwa shall we go ahead and revert? :slight_smile:


I went ahead and reverted… I noted the changes I made on the two tickets:

@mogoodrich yes it was the right time to revert. :slight_smile:

Hey guys

It’s really been my fault this has gone for long without fixing. I was out of town with limited access.

I’ll go back and look at the PR with the two issues in mind.

