Registration app to have all its sections and subsections configurable

Currently Registration app on a running instance of Reference Application makes use of hard-coded demographics section where each subsection is displayed at a time for data entry. This looks like

I currently have a use-case that requires configuring the demographics section to look something like the screen-shot below. It could even contain more fields for data such as Languare, Civil status and/or even with Contact info in the same section

The later view is not achievable with plain configuration.

The use case here requires for configure-ability of all registration app sections and therefore I would like to know how best to achieve this in a standardized/uniform way that is scale-able and supported by the community which I suppose would be nice being achieved through configuration.

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Thanks @ruhanga!

@mogoodrich, @ssmusoke, @tmvumbi, thoughts?

Cc @jesplana

@ruhanga so the main issue is you’d like more than one-question-per-screen?

I’m forgetting, do other areas of the configuration support multiple questions per screen, and it’s onlyt eh demographics section that doesn’t because it’s hardcoded? Or is this a problem across the entire form?

Take care, Mark

Thank you @mogoodrich.


do other areas of the configuration support multiple questions per screen

Yes. The problem is only with demographics that is hard coded. The rest of the form sections have no problem with multiple questions per section since they are configurable. So would it be fine having an implementation where even demographics is configurable and have this in the default config that gets out of the box with reference application?

Yes, thanks @ruhanga! I think it would be preferable to have the demographics configurable instead of hard-coded, as long as that functionality is supported out of the box for backward-compatibility. Feel free to ticket and work on that.

Take care, Mark

Thank you @mogoodrich, I have just updated Jira with this issue.

You may add an acceptance criteria to it. Thank you very much.