Register for our 2020 Virtual Implementer's Meeting Today!

Walking Together to Solve Emerging Health Challenges

This year’s Implementers Meeting celebrates and explores how we come together as a community to respond to new and existing health challenges faced by people worldwide.

Even as the COVID pandemic moves our annual meeting to a virtual format, we’re excited about the opportunities for collaboration that we see ahead of us.

Did you know that registration for the 2020 OpenMRS Implementer’s Meeting is now open?

About registration fees…Even though we’re moving OMRS20 to a virtual conference format, there are still some costs associated with hosting a virtual conference, such as coordination/planning services, conference platform, etc. This year’s budget comes to ~$15k. To remain cost-neutral, we’re asking that everyone who registers to pay what they wish. To Pay What You Wish, please click here.

Find out more about OMRS20 at or on our website.


About Pay What You Wish…This year, we don’t have any set registration fees. This means that you can pay as little or as much as you wish. If you can’t pay anything right now, that’s fine - you are more than welcome! If you can pay something, we really appreciate it as it will help us cover our costs (mainly related to conference planning and logistics).

Whether you pay or not, we still need you to complete a registration form so that we can send you a meeting invitation with conferencing information.

Feel free to PM Christine or me on Talk or on Slack if you have questions or need more information!


Thanks @jennifer for the clarification. Do we intend to also update this to make it as clear as you have done here?

On the wiki page, it appears as if the pay what you wish is simply giving you the freedom to choose between $25 and $100, but not $0 :smile:

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@dkayiwa, the website was updated so that people can enter any amount that they want using the Donate button.

There seems to be the above issue while trying to make a donation using the “Donate button” at URL:

There is no support to Donate through credit cards from India. Thank you.

Yes, we’re aware of this issue. I can PM you alternative payment options.

Sure, please do let me know about alternate options. Thanks.

This is with reference to the below page:

The " Why Microfrontends?" presentation given on 30th November 2020 had two parts to it but the above page provides the link to the YouTube video of just the first part of the presentation. It would be great if the second video of the " Why Microfrontends?" is also included. Thanks.

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cc @jennifer @christine @grace

Thanks for asking @nischith! I believe this is the video you’re thinking of:

Yes it is! Thanks a lot!

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