Regarding Bahmni/Odoo Sync with IRD Nepal and purchase/sales book report

hi i am from Kathmandu Nepal. I am new on Bahmni and currently working on Bahmni 0.92 . I need some help regarding customization on sales invoice, addon sales book report and database table as per the requirement of Nepal government clause . I need attached details to be implemented on sales invoice and database. If anyone from Nepal has done this thing Please kindly guide me through this and how to customize OpenERP sales invoice and code.

anusuchi5.pdf (129.3 KB) anusuchi6-2.pdf (145.8 KB)


maybe @sanjayap @laxman can comment on this.

Looking into attached pdfs, get back to you soon cc: @dipakthapa

@laxman @angshuonline @ramashish @sanjayap @dipakthapa is there any update regarding sales book. I created a new module in odoo ‘bahmni-0.92/odoo10’ configured depends: as ‘depends’: [‘base’,‘bahmni_product’,‘bahmni_sale’,‘bahmni_purchase’,‘bahmni_web_extension’,‘bahmni_account’], also and data as ‘data’: [ ‘data/sale_data.xml’, ‘report/sale_report.xml’, ‘report/sale_report_views.xml’, ‘security/ir.model.access.csv’, ‘views/sale_views.xml’, ‘views/sales_team_views.xml’, ‘views/res_partner_views.xml’, imported all xml to views folder and respective .py file to model folder. i restarted the services and while installing app i see error could not go forward . I kindly request you to guide me through this . I see app in which is on sale. I need the same app for my project .Hope for your kind cooperation at earliest as i have deadline to meet the target.

Hello @ghimirey, Can you share the error log? Maybe use pastebin.

If you have already done this than can you share me the source code for purchase/sales book

@ghimirey We haven’t worked on it yet but we have plans to work on it in future. And we have added few modules in openerp(not Odoo) not related to your requirement. We haven’t yet started development in Odoo.

I am also working on OpenERP 7.If you have added modules in OpenERP in context of Nepal.what are the changes have you made. Could you please kindly share the details.

Here’s our changes. We forked this and made customizations on it.

hi, I did the steps that you mentioned in it work fine and app is also seen there and i followed file and done step

Ensure that the table custom_report_props exists.

Run the below query.

select CASE WHEN count(*)>0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END FROM information_schema.tables WHERE lower(table_name)=lower('custom_report_props');

If it gives NO run the below command, otherwise skip this part

bahmni -i dev -m erp run_migrations

after this step it gives error could you please guide through

Can you try this out Just copy its contents to addons and restart openerp.

It shows me error. what might be the issues.

2019-05-03 05:29:26,202 5388 ERROR openerp Cannot eval ‘# -- coding: utf-8 --\r\n{\r\n ‘name’: ‘Claims Management’,\r\n ‘version’: ‘1.0’,\r\n ‘category’: ‘PossibleHealth’,\r\n ‘summary’: ‘Prepare Claims for Insurance to be forwarded to insurance connect app’,\r\n ‘description’: “”"\r\nPrepare Claims for Insurance\r\n==================================\r\nThis module prepares Claims for Insurance\r\n""",\r\n ‘author’: ‘PossibleHealth’,\r\n ‘website’: ‘’,\r\n ‘images’: [],\r\n ‘depends’: [“base”,“sale”,“account”],\r\n ‘init_xml’: [],\r\n ‘update_xml’: [\r\n\r\n ],\r\n ‘data’: [\r\n ‘quotation_view.xml’,\r\n ‘insurance_quotation_view.xml’,\r\n ‘sale_quotation_table_view.xml’\r\n ],\r\n ‘demo_xml’: [],\r\n ‘css’: [],\r\n ‘js’: [\r\n\r\n ],\r\n ‘test’: [],\r\n ‘installable’: True,\r\n ‘auto_install’: False,\r\n ‘application’: True\r\n\r\n}’ Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/openerp-7.0_20130301_002301-py2.6.egg/openerp/tools/”, line 241, in safe_eval return eval(test_expr(expr, _SAFE_OPCODES, mode=mode), globals_dict, locals_dict) File “/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/openerp-7.0_20130301_002301-py2.6.egg/openerp/tools/”, line 107, in test_expr code_obj = compile(expr, “”, mode) File “”, line 2 {

Hello @ghimirey, sorry for the late reply. Are you installing this module in Odoo or openerp 7?

I am trying this in OpenERP7. Which is default of bahmni 0.91

Can you share the contents of /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/openerp-7.0_20130301_002301-py2.6.egg/openerp/addons/

Did you package the contents of modules in a folder and drop that folder in this location?