Refining and Prioritizing our List of Technical Priority Items

In an effort to refine and prioritize a list of areas of focus for the Technical Action Committee and get to a point where we can prioritize something to work on, the Technical Action Committee gathered, talked over, and came up with a list of about 43 different high level technical items. Many of these have come up in Talk discussions, OMRS19 sessions, conversations with implementers, as well as TAC and squad meetings.

@mksd @ibacher @mseaton @dkayiwa @akanter @mogoodrich @jdick @angshuonline and @wyclif ranked each of the 43 items as 2: wanted/needed | 1: somewhat wanted/needed | 0: not wanted/needed.

We’d like to know what you think of the results:


You can also view this list here.

Chime in here, reach out to anyone who participated in the ranking, or join our Technical Action Committee meetings.