Reference Application 2.13.0 Released!

Hello all! The long awaited OpenMRS Reference Application 2.13.0 has been released! This release is build on Platform 2.5.9 and it falls in openmrs 2.x. line with several bug fixes and new features included.

Please see the Release notes for more information. As always, if you find any bugs, feel free to report them in our ticket tracking system.

Some of the bug fixes in this release include:

  1. Added implementation of some controllers and methods in the drawing module.

  2. Person attribute to display “Yes” and “No” via the appropriate message codes as a Boolean attribute.

  3. Program Status Widget date issues

  4. Added Registration App checkbox fields.

  5. Checkbox Widget to support an “initialValue” config parameter.

  6. Added an Option fields for “Run Report”.

  7. Ability to change the start hour of a visit.

  8. Auto select location if only one is available.

  9. Default date in past visit is not filled on Firefox

  10. Fixed the blank Active Visits. e.t.c

Reference Application 2.13.0 has been a great community effort and I would like to congratulate all the developers from the following Organizations: @PIH , @Mekom , @ICRC, @Brown, openmrs dev volunteers on updating different modules.

Bug fixers @thembo42 , @mogoodrich, @cioan, @jfigueiredo, @icrc.thonorio @luis.oliveira.

QA team @kdaud , @tendomart and @mherman22 and our infra guru @raff, @burke @platform and TAC Squad members not forgetting my mentors@dkayiwa and @ibacher for their amazing efforts in making this release happen. We shall always rely on you as we take this to another level.

Juliet Wamalwa,
On Behalf of the OpenMRS community


Congratulations to all the developers!

congratulations @jwnasambu and team

Congragulations @jwnasambu , its been a long journey!!!

Cheers :partying_face:

True! You have always been there for me unconditionally whenever I reached out. It’s been a tough journey, but you’re my inspiration.

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@mherman22, @reganmakanga, @elonshubham thanks so so much for the kind words.


Great work and leadership by @jwnasambu ! Thanks for stepping up.

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