Reference Application 2.10-SNAPSHOT testing sprint!

Thanks @herbert24 and @rmkanda , i tried to reproduce the issues raised,

i summerised the comments below , NB the numbers below represent the issue in the google sheet with corresponding number

1 bug
2 Not a bug …see how to configure Mark Patient as Dead
3 Bootstrap related bug
4 Not a Bug , we removed chart search module from the ref app modules
5 Bug
6 Bug
7. Not a bug. requires improvement
8. Not a bug. Edit vist link displays when more than one Vist types exist.
9: Bug
10 . Not a Bug , intended
11. Bug. . Ui breaks
12. Bug . Ui breaks
13 . Bug
14. Bug
15 .Bug
16. Not a Bug .duplication is caused by a temporaly cache in the ui component,
cleared by refreshing browser

cc @sharif @reagan , we can go ahead to create the issues that i marked as bugs . i will make them ready for work