Reference application 2.10-SNAPHOT UI testing

@ayesh a couple of new issues for the weekend :slight_smile:


Stephe here is the fix for RA-1639

Btw how can I reproduce the issue UIFR-212 ?

@ayesh let me review the PR

You can inspect your clinician facing dashboard - that is what I did on

thanks @ssmusoke stephe

It will be great if you can review these 2 PR’s as well.

@ssmusoke oh okays I think I reproduced the warning issue on :no_mouth:. I think it’s specific to firefox browser if am right things working fine in chrome :slightly_smiling_face:

Btw I added the missing styling file

@ayesh why not add the css map to uiframework so that its available to all other modules?

Hi @ssmusoke

Normally in openMRS modules.All the 3rd party modules are in Reference app module or app ui module.Which will allow other modules to access these files as reference.

For an example font awesome is in Ref app module and Appui module. Jquery is in these modules.

As far as I understood uiframework is resolving the paths for these css & js files for other modules to refer.

@ayesh Thanks for this education!! Never knew that :facepunch:t6:

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Are you skipping the exhaustive manual testing that we talked about?

@ayesh can you make these buttons look like the rest?

Hi @dkayiwa

Sure here is the fix

@herbert24 , have you made any progress so far on that work ?

i am working on the spread sheet which am rolling out here like in an hour and a half from now,will ping you


Thank so much everyone for all the great work so far!


i created a test plan and carried out different tests as seen on this link we can add and improve the different test scenarios on that link.@mozzy @ayesh @c.antwi @dkayiwa @jennifer.Ayesh am available here to explain the different results on that link


Well done @herbert24 cc @dkayiwa

Well done @herbert24

So let’s get started and do one by one :smiley:

  1. when i minimise the different pages,the menu appears well but on getting to the myAccount section when the page is minimised,this keeps disappaearing

Can you provide a screenshot for me it’s working fine :slightly_smiling_face:

cc @christine

Hello , @herbert24 @christine , have you come up together to do any further testing on this ? Thanks

yes you can keep tracking that document you will get to see all the updates on it @yesh can we schedule up a call with @mozzy @christine @jenifer so as we pass through some of the things that i found failing as per that document?

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