As part of the Appointment Scheduling new UI, while editing the recurring appointments, user get to see the date of selected occurrence and the End date of the series, along with other details of the appointment. However the users are not informed about the dates of each occurrence. This is crucial when the user is increasing/decreasing the length of the appointment series. Today there’s no visibility of the existing occurrences and how they’re impacted after changing the length of the appointment series, Hence a component that gives the list of all the occurrences in a series is considered.
Reference mockup:
Current scope:
- Component that gives the list of each occurrence for a recurring appointment
- Ability to filter the list with Month & Year
- Ability to navigate between different occurrences by clicking on each occurrence
Future scope:
- Ability to cancel multiple occurrences from the edit screen
@arjun @mksrom @pramidat @ramashish @shivarachakonda @binduak @vmalini @akhilmalhotra @ramashish @pradipta @mddubey @angshuonline @mksd @praveenad