Recurring Appointments in Appointment Module

Ok. I understand that you are trying to use the “Appointment number” to tie all the appointments together. My point

  • is that generation of appointment number for a new one or reassign (group appointments) should be left to implementation. Therefore think of an injectable interface instance, which can customize both.
  • Lets not assume that same “Appointment Number” will be applicable.


  • the effected appointments (group) will be “voided”? or will you just edit the existing ones?
  • if you are not voiding and just editing the existing records, please add an entry in the appointment audit table “patient_appointment_audit” appropriately.
  • How have you thought of the web endpoint? for creation of series and also change for a series? For example, are you thinking of a different Web endpoint to accept list of “appointments”? Or will you modify the existing API to accept more information? What would you do for editing effected appointments?

For generation of appointment number, assuming, AppointmentsServiceImpl have a “AppointmentNumberGenerator” reference.

  • AppointmentsService Interface should have a “register(AppointmentNumberGenerator)”
  • AppointmentsServiceImpl should probably invoke “appointmentNumberGenerator.create(newappointment)” - e.x from here

(obviously this would be effected how you devise the interactions to the Web endpoint)