Random Module Build Failures

I’m using the following OpenMRS implementations in the development environments:

  • Platform 1.11.5
  • Reference Application 2.3
  • Bundled modules that came along with Reference Application 2.3

I’ve noticed a strange behavior of the modules especially while building them. The modules which used to build successfully without any errors the previous day, all of a sudden stop building even when there’s no change made to the implementation.

Few generic errors/exceptions I found in the build failure logs are:

  1. package ‘package-name’ doesn’t exist
  2. cannot find symbol/class

Modules like referencemetadata and formentryapp has reported the above build failure issues even when they were untouched and used to build without running into any issues earlier.

Note: I suspect the distro dependency loading the modules and api automatically as there are no version tag defined for various dependencies

Can you share the full build failure log?

I’ve attached the build logs:
referencemetadata-2.3.1 module: http://pastebin.com/8KUD7FV8
formentryapp-1.2 module: http://pastebin.com/qqjHX9G0

Yeah – we’re trying to figure out what’s wrong – I upgraded Nexus – it shouldn’t have caused the issues im seeing but it is

Should be fixed. What wound up happening was we lost one the repos – it was on disk, just not defined in Nexus.

@themoonraker13, check and make sure it works please?

@r0bby, the builds are still failing with the same errors. Even I’m alarmed with sudden module build failures.

Let me pull the latest module code from OpenMRS github repo and try to build them.

What is this against? What version?

Downloaded the latest releases for the modules: referencemetadata-2.3.1 and formentryapp-1.2. Tried building them and the following is the build log:

  1. referencemetadata module - http://pastebin.com/wEXKWRDS
  2. formentryapp module - http://pastebin.com/JDfPRSAP

Hello. I’m real new here, trying to grok openmrs, maven, etc. I replicated the build error for formentryapp and have been trying to understand why FormEntryContext.class is not found. It looks to me like a dependency has been missed, namely org.openmrs.module.web, which is where this class should be found, I think. I’m also new to nexus repositories but browsing them, I don’t find this package. Am I barking up the wrong tree?

@laojohn and @themoonraker13 can you pull the latest changes for the formentryapp module and try compile again?

The dependency missing errors should be fixed by now, does it still happens for you? If so, the logs would help as well.

The tests failures are probably a different error.

@dkayiwa, @themoonraker13, @r0bby I have pulled the latest and build (mvn install) completes with no errors. Tests also completed without error. Could you please tell me what was changed? Was it the distro version? I’m trying to get a handle on maven and openmrs dependencies. thanks!

On the missing dependencies, we had a hiccup in our internal nexus (where the artefacts are stored) after an upgrade, so we had to fix on the server. Sorry for that.

The other error, the tests failing, I cannot tell, butcheck the latest commits.

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Yes @cintiadr is correct…I messed up but not in a way that is irreversible. All configuration – all data is still there. I spent all morning dealing with it.

I was able to successfully build formentryapp-1.2 and referencemetadata-2.3.1 after making changes to distro version in the pom definition.

Note: I’m still confused to understand the difference between latest and the latest snapshot version as isn’t 2.4-SNAPSHOT the latest distro.

Everything should be fixed now. Sorry about that.

@themoonraker13 i think some builds of 2.5-SNAPSHOT (Reference Application running on platform 2.0) have once in a while stollen the show for being the LATEST. We need to fix this though. :slight_smile:

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