Radiology(X-Ray) Count order not being populated with data


I am trying to get to work the Radiology(X-Ray) Count report in Bahmni. I have been using this snipset from Bahmni:

"radiologyCount": {
   "name": "Radiology(X-Ray) Count",
   "type": "ObsCountByConceptClass",
    "config": {
        "conceptClassNames": ["Radiology"]

And I want to achieve something like this result (also taken in bahmni):

This is my reports.json file:

    "visitReport10": {
        "name": "Visit Report",
        "type": "visits",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "forDataAnalysis": true,
            "patientAttributes": [
            "visitAttributes": [
                "Visit Status",
                "Admission Status"
            "patientAddresses": [
            "applyDateRangeFor": "visitStopDate",
            "visitTypesToFilter": [
                "PHARMACY VISIT",
    "testReport": {
        "name": "Test Observation Report",
        "type": "observations",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "patientAttributes": [
            "patientAddresses": [
            "visitAttributes": [
                "Visit Status",
                "Admission Status"
            "showVisitInfo": true,
            "showProvider": true,
            "conceptNamesToFilter": [
            "conceptNameDisplayFormat": "shortNamePreferred",
            "conceptValuesToFilter": ["0..20","100..","True"],
            "conceptClassesToFilter": [],
            "locationTagsToFilter": [],
            "programsToFilter": [],
            "applyDateRangeFor": "obsDate",
            "encounterPerRow": true,
            "forDataAnalysis": true,
            "visitTypesToFilter": [
                "PHARMACY VISIT",
    "name": "Test Forms Report",
    "type": "forms",
    "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
     "config": {
     "patientAttributes": [
     "patientAddresses": [
     "visitAttributes": [
            "Visit Status",
            "Admission Status"
     "showVisitInfo": true,
     "showProvider": true,
     "formNamesToFilter": ["Vitals"],
     "conceptNameDisplayFormat": "shortNamePreferred",
     "locationTagsToFilter": [],
     "programsToFilter": [],
     "applyDateRangeFor": "obsDate",
     "visitTypesToFilter": []
        "name": "Form builder form Report",
        "type": "formBuilder",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "patientAttributes": [
            "patientAddresses": [
            "visitAttributes": [
                "Visit Status"
            "showVisitInfo": true,
            "showProvider": true,
            "formNamesToFilter": [ "Test Form"],
            "conceptNameDisplayFormat": "shortNamePreferred",
            "locationTagsToFilter": [],
            "programsToFilter": [],
            "applyDateRangeFor": "obsDate",
            "visitTypesToFilter": []
    "chiefComplaintReport": {
        "name": "Chief Complaint Report",
        "type": "obsCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
            "conceptNames": [
                "Chief Complaint"
            "countOnlyClosedVisits": "false",
            "visitTypes": [
    "inpatientMorbidity": {
        "name": "Inpatient Morbidity",
        "type": "diagnosisCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "visitTypes": [
    "outpatientMorbidity": {
        "name": "Outpatient Morbidity",
        "type": "diagnosisCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "visitTypes": [
    "laboratoryServices": {
        "name": "Laboratory Services",
        "type": "TestCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports"
    "genericLaboratoryServices": {
        "name": "Generic Laboratory Services",
        "type": "ElisGeneric",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "sqlPath": "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/reports/sql/testCount.sql"
    "bloodPressure": {
        "name": "Blood Pressure",
        "type": "obsCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
            "conceptNames": [
            "countOnlyClosedVisits": "false",
            "countOncePerPatient": "false",
            "visitTypes": [
    "smokingHistoryReport": {
        "name": "Smoking History Report",
        "type": "obsCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
            "conceptNames": [
                "Smoking History"
            "countOnlyClosedVisits": "false",
            "countOncePerPatient": "true"
    "vitalsTemplateReport": {
        "name": "Vitals Template Report",
        "type": "obsTemplate",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "templateName": "Vitals",
            "patientAttributes": [
            "applyDateRangeFor": "encounterCreateDate"
    "tuberculosisIntakeTemplateReport": {
        "name": "Tuberculosis Intake Template Report",
        "type": "obsTemplate",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "templateName": "Tuberculosis Intake Template"
    "diabetes": {
        "name": "Diabetes",
        "type": "obsCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
            "conceptNames": [
                "Diabetes Intake"
            "visitTypes": [
    "codedValueRangeBasedReport": {
        "name": "Coded Value Range Based Report",
        "type": "obsCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
            "conceptNames": [
                "Diabetes, Cormorbidities"
            "countOncePerPatient": "true"
    "OPD/IPDVisitCount": {
        "name": "OPD/IPD Visit Count",
        "type": "IpdOpdVisitCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports"
    "haemoglobinRangeBasedReport": {
        "name": "Haemoglobin Range Based Report",
        "type": "NumericConceptValuesCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "rangeGroupName": "Haemoglobin",
            "ageGroupName": "Haemoglobin",
            "conceptNames": [
            "countOncePerPatient": "false"
    "radiology(X-Ray)Count": {
        "name": "Radiology(X-Ray) Count",
        "type": "ObsCountByConceptClass",
        "config": {
            "conceptClassNames": [
    "obsValuesCountsForAlbuminMCHOperationDateAndPosture(bloodPressure)": {
        "name": "Obs Values Counts for Albumin, MCH, Operation Date and Posture(blood pressure)",
        "type": "ObsValueCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "conceptNames": [
                "Date of Operation",
    "tuberculosisTreatmentCompletionDates": {
        "name": "Tuberculosis Treatment Completion dates",
        "type": "DateConceptValuesPatientsList",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "conceptNames": [
                "Tuberculosis, Treatment Completion Date"
            "templateName": "Tuberculosis Outcome Template"
    "patientsListWithAlbuminMCHAndHIVELISA(Blood)TestsResults": {
        "name": "Patients list with Albumin, MCH and HIV ELISA (Blood) tests results",
        "type": "PatientsWithLabtestResults",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "conceptNames": [
                "HIV ELISA (Blood)",
            "testOutcome": [
    "IPDPatientsReport": {
        "name": "IPD Patients Report",
        "type": "ipdPatients",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "addressAttributes": [
            "patientAttributes": [
            "conceptNames": [
            "filterBy": "Date of Discharge"
    "nutritionProgramNutritionalStatusOfRegisteredChildren": {
        "name": "Nutrition Program - Nutritional status of registered children",
        "type": "obsCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "ageGroupName": "All Ages",
            "conceptNames": [
                "Nutrition, Nutritional Status"
            "countOncePerPatient": "true",
            "countOnlyClosedVisits": "false"
    "patientsProgramStateCountReport": {
        "name": "Patients Program State Count Report",
        "type": "programStateCount",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "programName": "Malaria Program"
    "programPatientStateReport": {
        "name": "Program Patient State Report",
        "type": "PatientProgramReport",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "programName": "Malaria Program"
    "programStateTransitionReport": {
        "name": "Program State Transition Report",
        "type": "programStateTransitionReport",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "programName": "Malaria Program"
    "OrderFulfillmentReport": {
        "name": "Order Fulfillment Report",
        "type": "OrderFulfillmentReport",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "type": "OrderFulfillmentReport",
            "orderTypes": [
                "Drug Order"
    "visitReport": {
        "name": "Visit Report",
        "type": "visitReport",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "personAttributes": [
            "visitAttributes": [
                "Visit Status"
    "patientReport": {
        "name": "Patient Information",
        "type": "PatientReport",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports"
    "obsCannedReport": {
        "name": "Obs Canned Report",
        "type": "obsCannedReport",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "patientAttributes": [
            "applyDateRangeFor": "ObsRecording",
            "addressAttributes": [
            "conceptNames": [
                "Vitals, Systolic",
            "visitIndependentConcept": [
            "enrolledProgram": "HIV Program",
            "showObsOnlyForProgramDuration": false
    "drugOrderReport": {
        "name": "Drug Order report",
        "type": "DrugOrder",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports"
    "SampleGenericProgramReport": {
        "name": "Generic program sample report",
        "type": "programs",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "patientAttributes": [
            "patientAddresses": [
            "programAttributes": [],
            "forDataAnalysis": true,
            "showAllStates": true,
            "programNamesToFilter": [
                "HIV Program"
    "pivotReport": {
        "name": "Blood Pressure",
        "type": "aggregation",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
                "type": "observations",
                "config": {
                    "conceptNamesToFilter":["Diastolic Data", "Systolic Data"],
                    "showVisitInfo" : true,
                    "forDataAnalysis": true,
                    "visitAttributes": ["Visit Status", "Admission Status"],
                    "visitTypesToFilter": ["IPD"]

            "rowGroups": [
            "columnGroups": [
                "Concept Name", "value"
            "distinctGroups": [
                "Patient Identifier"
    "pivotReportOfVisits": {
        "name": "Aggregation report for visits",
        "type": "aggregation",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
                "type": "visits",
                "config": {
                    "forDataAnalysis": true,
                    "patientAttributes": [
                    "visitAttributes": [
                        "Visit Status",
                        "Admission Status"
                    "patientAddresses": [
                    "applyDateRangeFor": "visitStopDate",
                    "visitTypesToFilter": [
                        "PHARMACY VISIT",
            "rowGroups": [
            "columnGroups": [
                "Visit Status"
            "distinctGroups": [
                "Patient Identifier"
    "pivotReportForPrograms": {
        "name": "HIV Program Pivot Report",
        "type": "aggregation",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "report": {
                "type": "programs",
                "config": {
                    "patientAttributes": [
                    "patientAddresses": [
                    "programAttributes": [],
                    "forDataAnalysis": true,
                    "showAllStates": true,
                    "programNamesToFilter": [
                        "TB Program",
                        "HIV Program"
            "columnGroups": [
                "Program name"
            "rowGroups": [
            "distinctGroups": [
                "Patient Identifier"

    "concatenatedReport": {
        "name": "ConcatenatedReport",
        "type": "concatenated",
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
        "config": {
            "reports": [
                    "name": "Visit Report",
                    "type": "visits",
                    "config": {
                        "forDataAnalysis": true,
                        "patientAttributes": [
                        "visitAttributes": [
                            "Visit Status",
                            "Admission Status"
                        "patientAddresses": [
                        "applyDateRangeFor": "visitStopDate",
                        "visitTypesToFilter": [
                            "PHARMACY VISIT",
                    "name": "Obs Canned Report",
                    "type": "obsCannedReport",
                    "config": {
                        "patientAttributes": [
                        "applyDateRangeFor": "ObsRecording",
                        "addressAttributes": [
                        "conceptNames": [
                            "Vitals, Systolic",
                        "visitIndependentConcept": [
                        "enrolledProgram": "HIV Program",
                        "showObsOnlyForProgramDuration": false
  "GenericLabOrderReport": {
    "name": "Lab Order Results",
    "type": "labOrders",
    "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
    "config": {
      "patientAttributes": [
      "patientAddresses": [
      "visitAttributes": [
        "Visit Status"
      "showVisitInfo": true,
      "showProvider": true,
      "programsToFilter": [],
      "showReferredOutTests": true,
      "conceptNamesToFilter": [
        "Haemoglobin (Blood)"
      "conceptValuesToFilter": [
      "forDataAnalysis": true,
      "excludeColumns": [
      "showOrderDateTime": true
  "GenericLabOrderReportAggregation": {
    "name": "Test Name vs Gender",
    "type": "aggregation",
    "requiredPrivilege": "app:reports",
    "config": {
      "report": {
        "type": "labOrders",
        "config": {
          "forDataAnalysis": true,
          "showVisitInfo": true
      "rowGroups": [
        "Test Name"
      "columnGroups": [
      "distinctGroups": [
        "Patient Identifier"

And this is my SQL file (numericConceptValuesCount.sql) in /opt/bahmni-reports/bahmni-reports/WEB-INF/classes/sql

select base.numeric_value_range, base.report_age_group,
                ifnull(sum(IF(base.gender = 'F', 1, 0)),0) AS female,
                ifnull(sum(IF(base.gender = 'M', 1, 0)),0) AS male,
        ifnull(sum(IF(base.gender = 'O', 1, 0)),0) AS other,
        ifnull(sum(IF(base.gender in ('F','M','O'), 1, 0)),0) AS total
        (select p.person_id as person_id, as numeric_value_range, cn.concept_id, rcr.sort_order as rcr_sort_order, rag.sort_order as rag_sort_order, o.value_numeric, as report_age_group, p.birthdate, if(#countOncePerPatient#, max(o.obs_datetime), o.obs_datetime) as obs_date, p.gender from obs o
                inner join concept_name cn on o.concept_id=cn.concept_id
                inner join person p on p.person_id = o.person_id
        inner join reporting_concept_range rcr on (rcr.low_value <= o.value_numeric and o.value_numeric < rcr.high_value)
                        and rcr.concept_name = '#rangeGroupName#'
        inner join reporting_age_group rag ON DATE(o.obs_datetime) BETWEEN (DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(birthdate, INTERVAL rag.min_years YEAR), INTERVAL rag.min_days DAY))
                        AND (DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(birthdate, INTERVAL rag.max_years YEAR), INTERVAL rag.max_days DAY))
                and rag.report_group_name = '#ageGroupName#'
                where in (#conceptNames#) and cn.concept_name_type="FULLY_SPECIFIED" and o.value_numeric is not null
                        and o.voided = 0
                and date(o.obs_datetime) between '#startDate#' and '#endDate#'
    group by if(#countOncePerPatient#, o.person_id, concat(o.person_id, o.obs_datetime))) base
                group by base.report_age_group, base.numeric_value_range
    order by base.rag_sort_order, base.rcr_sort_order;

Even though I am triggering Radiology orders from Orders tab in Consultation, the report it is not being populated at all. Can someone suggest a solution or maybe another SQL that would fetch the Radiology orders (even if it is generic).

@angshuonline @gsluthra