RA 2.7.0 not released on JIRA

Was it an oversight that reference application 2.7.0 was never released in JIRA?

I’m sure it was an oversight. For a while a bunch of tickets were left open (see followup in this thread: OpenMRS Reference Application 2.7.0 released !) and I guess when those got closed the version wasn’t marked as released.

I can still see some unclosed tickets for 2.7.0 here

Yes, I already noticed that, the RA-2.7.0 is not marked as Released.


@wyclif Yes it was , but the remaining tickets at https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/RA-1361?jql=project%20%3D%20RA%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20"Reference%20Application%202.7.0"%20and%20resolution%20is%20empty were marked closed save those that had been waiting for a Tester.Had not yet found some time, but am going to allocate some time to test those at https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/RA-1361?jql=project%20%3D%20RA%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20"21334" and change Refapp 2.7.0 JIRA’s state to "Released "

Thanks @tendomart! There is some tickets in that list that are marked as in back log, note that the way jira works you still have to explicitly mark the completed tickets as closed to be able to release the version.

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@wyclif Thanks for the info

@tendomart, you are welcome to test these things retroactively, but at this point we must mark RefApp 2.7.0 as released, and close all tickets that were included.

Anything that is Waiting For Test or Waiting For Showcase should be marked as accepted/closed. (Because this has implicitly happened when we did the release. If future testing finds any bugs, we need new tickets for that.)

Anything that’s Backlog, Waiting For Dev, Waiting For Analysis, should have the fixVersion 2.7.0 removed because they were not included in the release.

Please do this ASAP, and mark the version as released in JIRA. The next release is already imminent, so we need to get the last one closed out! :slight_smile:

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@darius thanks for the detailed insight,but do i have the privileges ?I would have done that soonest if i had the privileges on JIRA.I currently do not have the option / privilege to change status to " accepted/closed."

i have tested RA-1287 and it works

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@deb thanks alot , keep trying out others.