Propose a Design Forum Topic

Title. Refactoring RefApp UI (login, landing page) to use Javascript+REST to promote greater collaboration

Description. During OMRS17, we had a session specifically discussing ways we could create greater collaboration beyond the platform (notes). One of the action items from that discuss was to refactor the main UI components of the Reference Application (specifically, login page & landing page, then maybe dashboard ±visit page) to use contemporary development techniques that we want to promote –i.e., React or Angular against REST, npm, maybe webpack or similar technologies. As Darius put it (paraphrasing): “I don’t want to devs to have to learn extra OpenMRS-specific steps in order to add an app to the RefApp.”

Goal: Determine strategy for refactoring login page and landing page, including technologies/approach to be used and draft action plan. Our intent to complete this refactoring before GSoC starts in May.

Required attendee(s). @darius, @dkayiwa, at least one of @wyclif & @raff if we can’t have both.

Others I know may be particularly interested: @mseaton, @mogoodrich, @ssmusoke, @jdick. Of course, we’d love to have anyone join who can help contribute toward our goal.

Desired timing. Next available slot (I’m covering inpatient service 9-26 Feb, so would like to fit in this call and, if we need it, a follow-up call before 9 Feb).

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