Proposal for a Prototype COVAX Package in OpenMRS

In the COVID squad, we want to set up a prototype package of resources that any implementer could use or reference when they need to start supporting COVID Vaccination-related workflows.

This will also help us further test & demonstrate the improvements we’ve made to the DHIS2 Connector module.

@jteich is going to get started on this as the product owner, and is already working on vaccine administration and supply forms.

COVAX MVP Proposal

In order of priority & dependencies, these are the steps we need to take next. @Jteich I’m hoping you can own these:

  1. Forms: Build sample OMRS forms in an OMRS instance (initial jab, follow-up, Adverse Events) - can use DHIS2 demo reports & forms as requirements

  2. Sample Data: Enter sample data in those forms

  3. Reports: Set up OMRS report and DHIS2 report. Show the data can go into an OMRS report or a DHIS2 dashboard (using DHIS2 Connector Module).

  4. Patient Lists: Show the data generating a patient list (e.g. patients to prioritize). Ideally shows patients who haven’t been vaccinated yet (of patients we know about in OMRS instances)

Nice to have once 1-4 are working: Show someone turns up with positive COVID test/diagnosis, correlate that with COVAX

Visual Diagram

Resources to Review when starting this work

Nice to know:

CC/FYI: @jteich @akanter @ball @jdick @burke

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Do we want to include interoperability with mHealth tools? For vaccinations delivered in the community and recorded in the patient’s Vaccination record in OpenMRS. (I hope so…)

Also posted this resource on OpenMRS COVID Slack channel:

Equitable COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery: Leveraging digital health to monitor and track individuals (World Bank webinar)

  • Jonathan Jackson (CommCare/DiMagi), Isaac Holman (Medic Mobile), and Matt Berg (OpenSRP/Ona) are working together with support from the WorldBank on using mobile technology for COVID vaccine delivery.
  • Recording
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We forgot to discuss this on the COVID-19 squad call this morning. Sorry I missed this post before the call. :frowning:

No problem Andy; neither Jonathan nor I could make it today so we planned to discuss this COVAX work in more detail on next week’s call instead.

Hi @ball, So the short answer is Yes, I hope so, but not right now - because we don’t have clear resources who’ve expressed interest in working on this at the moment. But, if contributors/members came along and expressed they wanted to do so, then yes!

In the meantime we’re trying to keep this COVAX prototype scoped just to things that don’t require much dev work, i.e. things that a PM role like Jonathan or myself would be able to set up with our existing tooling, from forms to the DHIS2 Connector module UI.

Does that make sense, or do you think we’re missing something / missing an opportunity here?

Grace, where do the resources that Terry provided live? Would be great to review those in more detail, too.

@grace this is something that you envision in OpenMRS 3.0, or Ref App 2.x?

I don’t see why we couldn’t set this up with RefApp 2.11.x. Do you?

We don’t have implementers contributing dev resources to the COVID squad at the moment, so I was assuming we needed to set up a prototype with our existing tools