I realise mass promotions like this are not common, but I’d like to call out these 4 individuals as people who I worked with through the recent-completed GSoC. All four have, by this point, definitely met the requirements for the /dev/2 level, at least in my mind. If there are any objections, kindly let me know. If not, congratulations to @sidvaish97, @varung31, @iamsr, and @ayesh and thank you for your work and contributions to the community.
I’d like to particularly commend Ayesh Perera, who has now completed two GSoCs with OpenMRS as well as contributing the fantastic https://rest.openmrs.org as part of the inaugural GSoD last year.
Seeing this lit my day up! Thanks a lot @ibacher. It’s been a pleasure working with you and the OpenMRS community and I look forward to keep it going. Congrats to all the others as well
Thanks a lot @ibacher! And thank you so much for all your support throughout the GSoC period. I got to learn a lot, and I really enjoyed working on the project. I am looking forward to keep contributing to OpenMRS.
thanks a lot @ibacher. Thanks a lot for guidance throughout the whole period it was the most amazing time I had in the community. Even you gave me the chance to work on the fhir2 module as well .
It was a great learning curve learned a lot of new things which will be very useful for us in the future. and as always thanks alot to the whole openmrs community
Congratulations @ayesh, @sidvaish97, @varung31, and @iamsr. Thanks for your great contribution to the projects as well as the community. Hope to see you all with the OpenMRS in future too !!