Project Buendia: an OpenMRS deployment for humanitarian relief

Session Title: Project Buendia: an OpenMRS deployment for humanitarian relief

Session Type: Breakout Talk (50-minute session including a presentation with optional Q&A)

Description: Project Buendia is an OpenMRS deployment for humanitarian relief scenarios. The project was originally developed as a collaboration between MSF, Google, and volunteers from the tech community to be deployed in ebola management centres in early 2015, and is now being generalized to work for a broader range of relief missions, including nutrition programs.

This talk will outline the high-level architecture of the project, as well as the main challenges that the project faces, and the unique solutions we’ve developed to manage these, including:

  • Operating OpenMRS in a resource-constrained environment (intermittent power, probably no internet)
  • The unique organisational environment that the project operates in, and how that influences our design
  • A need for equipment to be provisioned quickly, and for implementations to be highly customizable

More information:

Suggested By: Fabian Tamp, lead engineer on the Project Buendia team.

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This topic is currently/preliminarily scheduled as a short plenary talk (overview) on the following date/time:

AT 11:30am to 12:00pm, Friday 11th December IN Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, Singapore Management University

Additionally, there is a follow-up in-depth breakout talk scheduled:

AT 3:40pm to 4:40pm, Friday 11th December IN Seminar Room 3.4, Singapore Management University

For details and complete schedule, see:

Please reply if you have any concerns with this scheduling. Thanks!

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