Programs - Single Instance vs Multiple Instance.

We are currently doing a TB module and I have notice that a patient can only be enrolled into a program only once.

  • For cases like PrEP, TB, ANC, COVID a client can have multiple cases over their lifetime. The current implementation will have you edit an existing enrolment if you want to re-enroll the client when they have a new case Cases like Diabetes, HIV are lifelong so a single program enrolment will suffice. Could we make Programs configurable so that an implementation can opt for single instance or multiple instance when creating it?

This is a really important issue. I am new to openMRS and would like to find out were there ware details on what a Problem List should look like and how it should function. There are various conditions that could occur more than once. Each instance could be separated by the date of occurrence. Having only a single entry for things like a stroke or heart attack or depression and the details in a free text note missies the opportunity to quickly see that the specific patient has been having recurring problems and the the careplan, the physicians involved and the location if hospitalized could be different for each instance.

Of course having an entry in the Problem List would contribute to the clutter that physicians often complain about. Part of the solution is to be able to nest entries in the Problem List. This was described by Larry Weed and details on this are already described in HL7 standards. Metadata for each entry in the Problem List should provide the user with the ability to see a nested or grouped display and then drill down for more details.

Sadly I have not seen the ability to nest things in any EMR but it would be so very useful. Without this bit of functionality many users complain about how useless the Problem Lists are.
