Product Change Committee: Updates and Discussion

Here’s a summary of the key points and decisions that came out of this week’s meeting.

  • This committee should have the expertise/representation that leads to verifying priorities with implementations instead of asking for information.
  • We already have information from meetings, community stand ups, squads, etc. For instance, JJ already has a list of 5-6 features that the MF Squad is working on in the coming weeks. He will share this for wider input.
  • We will set out a foundation using what we already have and know about how the product should evolve in the next 12 months, then build from there. We agreed that we can start with priorities for MF, FHIR, and others already shared with us. We also agreed that other aspects beyond the user facing application should be included (OCL, FHIR, tools for migrating/importing data, etc).
  • In regard to outreach, all of this means that any outreach to countries + implementations should be focused so that these exchanges are additive and valuable. We can use this as an opportunity to invite implementations to be a part of this process (if they have not been very involved to date).

Several times, we found ourselves referring to or talking about technical solutions - and almost each time, someone paused to either suggest that the Technical Action Committee take something up (i.e: what needs to happen next with Sync 2.0) or question how the two committees work together or overlap. We’re experimenting with these committees, so the fact that these questions and observations are coming up is great. We may not answer all of these questions right now and new ones may emerge in the coming weeks.

This is only a summary, so for more detail and Easter eggs, I encourage you to check out the notes. The recording can be found on the Product Change Committee’s Wiki page.

For those who didn’t catch @janflowers’ update from last week, you can find it here.