I have already set up the development environment in Intellij IDE. But I have a problem in getting the access of JIRA.
Hi Ashan,
Welcome to OpenMRS. Good initiative. However your question and the attached image doesn’t show us what the problem you are having there. It’s always encourage to ask quality questions with enough details for others. We are here to help you. So, no offense, please tell us exactly what’s your blocking situation.
Regards, Jude Niroshan
Hi @ashanperera,
Welcome to OpenMRS
To get access to JIRA issues, you need to create a new case on the OpenMRS Help Desk requesting access to the JIRA issues. This feature is implemented to avoid spam . Please bare in mind that the Help Desk is managed by other contributors like yourself, and they may take some time to grant you access.
For some guidance, take a look at: https://help.openmrs.org/customer/en/portal/articles/1439079-requesting-a-jira-project
Hope this helps
Sorry if you unclear my question that ask above. But grimm answer is enough to continue. Thanks judeniroshan and grimm
Can any one help me to find a beginner level issue. Because lack of experience in doing open source project I would like to start with a small problem. First I need to identify how the open source project environment looks like
No problem, we all started from that point. OpenMRS is a very active open source community. There are many people here to help you.
There is nothing odd here, just because of OpenMRS is an open source community. You’ll feel as a team when you start working around here for few months. OpenMRS never sleeps, people are always here.
Community appreciate before you ask something on talk, do some research on Google. Because most of the time, the problem what you have had faced it by someone else in the past. You may find the answer without asking the same thing in the talk.
Regards, Jude Niroshan
Hullo @ashanperera welcome to OpenMRS and thanks for the steps so-far you’ve taken to this level.You still have a war to fight but whenever you feel stack or exhausted just get back to Developer Guide,it normaly takes 3 to 4 days of reading. You will have most of your questions answered and you will save alot of your time.Dont quit the struggle continues https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Developer+Guide
Hey, I am Monir new in bahmni project which is built with openMRS. I am also new in this community, I am facing a problem to remove openERP DB. I am trying to run following script
bahmni -i local stop yum remove -y bahmni-erp psql -Upostgres -c “drop database if exists openerp;” yum install -y bahmni-erp bahmni -i local start
The first two script is working well, but when I am going to run 3rd script then following error is comming
ERROR: database “openerp” is accessed by other users. DETAIL: there are 3 other session using the database.
Please, help me how to solved this problem