Problem installing OpenHMIS Module

Hi, I was trying to install the cashier and inventory module and this needed to install other modules OpenHMIS, when you install this module OpenMRS Add Ons (commons) entire platform it fell here put the log

catalina.2016-05-09.txt (55.4 KB) localhost_access_log.2016-05-09.txt (45.0 KB) localhost.2016-05-09.txt (457.6 KB)

the problem is similar to this post

thanks for the help

I was informed that you are part of OpenHMIS team @ibewes

Hi @ibatista,

Thanks for sharing the logs. What version of openmrs platform and openmrs reference application are you using? Could you try installing our latest modules: OpenHMIS Cashier module OpenHMIS Inventory Module OpenHMIS Commons Module OpenHMIS Backbone forms module You also need to install [Jasper Reports] (, Idgen module and rest web services module.

Could you try installing them by stopping tomcat, putting the modules in the modules folder and them starting tomcat?

We are available at the chatroom:

Thanks, Jeremy, OpenHMIS Team.

HI @whiscard,

i downloaded all from the download page (Reference Application 2.3.1 and Platform 1.11.6)

i have installed Jasper Reports 1.5.7 , idgen 3.2 and Rest Web Services version 2.13.e3a897

The module Commons is the problem other module is fine ( not run because commons is missing).



I downloaded (Reference Application 2.3.1 and Platform 1.11.6). I also installed Jasper Reports 1.5.7 , idgen 3.2 and Rest Web Services version 2.13.e3a897 I was able to install this openhmis commons: OpenMRS Add Ons

The installation was ok, please see the screenshots below:

Have you tried installing OpenHMIS Commons Module version 3.2.1?

Jeremy, OpenHMIS Team

Me not, in the capture Only left Commons module,

i will install

the result is : All Empty


No one should have to see, but I did a downgrade to version 6 of Java and increase the memory space by following in tomcat:

-Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -XX: PermSize = 1024m -XX: MaxPermSize = 256m -XX: NewSize = 128m

after that the modules were installed correctly

Hi @ibatista,

That’s great to hear and thanks for the feedback. I should have asked what version of Java you were using :slight_smile: Our modules also work on Java 7. We also plan to make our modules compatible with Java 8 as well.

Thanks, Jeremy.

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