Problem in running the application

I don’t think I can help you with the above as I am completely unfamiliar with Windows, I don’t even have anything at hand to reproduce your steps.

Once again, if your goal is simply to have a dev env up & running, I strongly suggest you to use the OpenMRS SDK. As you can see below, you may be 3 commands away from your goal. ####0) Setup the SDK:

mvn org.openmrs.maven.plugins:openmrs-sdk-maven-plugin:setup-sdk

####1) Create your server:

mvn openmrs-sdk:setup -DserverId=distro-2-4 -Ddistro=referenceapplication:2.4 -DdbUri=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openmrs-distro-2-4 -DdbUser=root -DdbPassword=pass

This assumes that MySQL

  • is running on port 3306 ;
  • with root admin credentials being ‘root’ / ‘pass’.

####2) Launch it:

 mvn openmrs-sdk:run -Dport=8080 -Ddebug=58080 -DserverId=distro-2-4

If all goes well you will then be in a position to access the app on port 8080 and remote debug it on port 58080. Let us know how this goes.

P.S. More on the latest release of the SDK here: OpenMRS SDK 3.0 released! and on YouTube.

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