Problem implementing Patient Flags Module

Application Name: Reference Application 2.12.2 with Platform war version 2.5.0

Question: I find the instructions for installing Patient Flags module really confusing. I had flollowed the installation guide of Patient Flags Module on wiki page, and successfully installed the patientflags owa in the Open Web App, and openmrs database has more patientflags tables. However, when I run the reference application using SDK, I cannot find the Patient Flags section in the legacy page. Patient Flags only appears in OWA section. As I read through the Wiki, I am not sure what I should do after getting installing patient flag owa. Please give me some advices. Thank you so much

Steps for installing Patient Flags OWA:

  1. Clone github code GitHub - openmrs/openmrs-module-patientflags: Provides a mechanism for marking patient records with important messages within OpenMRS
  2. Navigate to owa dir, and run “npm install”
  3. Change the ’ LOCAL_OWA_FOLDER ’ and ’ APP_ENTRY_POINT ’ parameters in webpack.config.js ’
  4. Run npm run build:deploy I checked patientflags dir appeared in owa dir in my reference application

openjdk version “1.8.0_292” Apache Maven 3.6.3 mysql 8.0.27 Node.js v16.13.1. npm v8.1.2

Do you mind helping us with the error logs you are encounting probably via

Thank you for quick reply. This is the link to pastebin: Patient Flags openmrs-sdk:run -

This is the new pastebin after I added patientflags omod 3.0.2 into the modules dir: Openmrs Reference after adding patientflags omod -

Please help. Thank you so much

Which version of the patientflags module are you running?

I ran 3.0.2 version. I also tried with another server using 3.1.0 SNAPSHOT, but still have the same problem

The latest snapshot version of the module does not look like that. openmrs-module-patientflags/pom.xml at master · openmrs/openmrs-module-patientflags · GitHub

Thank you for your reply. I got ran “mvn clean install” and successfully deployed the omod 3.0.3 SNAPSHOT file. It works now. I got the patientflags 3.1.0 SNAPSHOT omod from openmrs-sdk:deploy. I was not sure about the exact version. Thank you so much for clarifying

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