Problem accessing localhost:8080/openmrs/admin

Yeah I uploaded the module basic example and that’s why it appears in manage modules but on clicking it, I get a 404.

normally it would show you an empty page if you have not put in more information, Could you share the steps you are following just here on talk.

I could resolve this. Thanks for the help!

@varung31 have you been able to resolve it?

Yes, thanks!

That’s great then. So what was the main cause of the error? You could share so that in future if someone lands into the same, they can follow the steps you followed to get over the challenge.

So, I had not configured Tomcat properly and when I did that, I could login into the openmrs and use manage modules to add any modules.

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Hi, I am getting same error, I want only java bankend rest api code locally for integration in my web app Spring boot application…just cloned openmrs-core and run…and What about module

I want all endpoints of openmrs locally run…what should i do for?