Helo every one, first of all I would like to thank every technical writer who picked up on the warm up practies for GSOD 2020. I also thank the team that is helping in the reviewing of the works. As we continue with that process,time has come for us to start preparing our applications for GSOD 2020. For this, I will request the technical writers to reach out to there mentors as per the project as seen here https://wiki.openmrs.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=235275064 , so as the process starts. Technical writers introduce your selves to the mentors and the project for which you intend to prepare the application for. In case of any difficulties, kindly reach out to to the documentation team for help and still the Documentation Team is to follow up on the whole process.Thanks @yash29x @vibhorchinda17 @chaytanya @saurabh @rainbow @jnsereko @favour @uthpala @kaveeshabaddage. The community and the Documentation Team will be ready to help out. cc @jennifer @jwnasambu @gracebish @loisnaki @sharif @gcliff @ayesh
@herbert24 Hi, I am having difficulty logging in to the Jira Issues page with my OpenMRS ID.
@herbert24 is the proposal submission and review process same as that was In gsoc where we used to submit our proposals at the google site and it got reviews from our mentors or is it something else ? thanks
Thank you so much @herbert24
Should we create new Talk-threads while reaching out mentors or we should use aready existing Talk-threads for GSOD
did you succeed on logging in?
@jnsereko you can reach out to them via a private message on talk
heilo @saurabh did you look at this https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/tech-writer-guide
@herbert24 thanks
@saurabh Thanks!
I just sent a message to the help desk. I will let you know if it works. Thank you!
I’m Tharu and I’m working as a Technical Writer for the past 3 years. I was going through the list of organizations participating for GSOD and came across your organization profile.
I would like to apply as a TW and I’m interested in “Developing a Suite of Volunteer Guides” project. Looking forward to work with you’ll
Glad to have you
did you have a chance to look at this https://wiki.openmrs.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=235275064
@jennifer can we have a separate thread to discuss Developing Tools and Processes for Maintaining OpenMRS Documentation project ?
Thank you
helo,yes we can have a separate thread for this!
Hi, do you have a separate thread to discuss “Developing a Suite of Volunteer Guides”, or is there any task I can help you with?
@herbert24 Yes I did, Looking forward to discuss more with you.
helo every one,i just had to drop this here which might be important to the technical writers https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/tech-writer-application-hints
@yash29x @vibhorchinda17 @chaytanya @saurabh @rainbow @jnsereko @favour @uthpala @kaveeshabaddage as we look towards the applying for GSOD 2020,could you be having any questions?