Prepare a file in the uitestframework to be deployed within the test instance

Hey devs!, am currently working on RATEST-164 which is a pre-requisite for RATEST-220.

I have created the method in testBase to generate the patient random file to fulfill the requirements for RATEST-164 . Then I created the needed method in attachmentsPage in the distro module.

i need to create a class in TestData IN UITESTmodule so that it can be called in clinicalvisitsSteps as

private TestData.documentInfo fileDocument;

and later used to call the method(createTestFileDocument()) i created in testBase as

fileDocument = createTestFileDocument();

so that i can use it in this method.

am failing to create the class in testData. any assistance rendered will be helpful. thanks in advance cc: @sharif @kdaud @jwnasambu @insookwa

Thanks very much for the effort @mherman22 , i think if we are trying to merge the modules into qaframework, we may hold on uitesframework work related and use the utils that are already written , am hoping to finish this work as soon as possible

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oh okay , so what do i do? put this on hold and jump onto something else in the meantime? cc: @sharif @kdaud